Olympic Athletes Turn To PA Hypnosis Center


Vincent Hancock                                                                    Jeff Holguin

When professional athletes and Olympians look for a doctor they don’t just pick randomly in the yellow pages. They do their research and choose wisely.

Pittsburgh Steeler Ross Ventrone, and US Olympic Shooters Vincent Hancock, and Jeff Holguin all get a mental edge by seeing  PA Hypnosis founder Dan Vitchoff.  (more…)

Some Surprising Causes Of Insomnia


Insomnia may be one of the most frustrating things someone can suffer from. We’ve all been in the situation where we are wide awake looking at the clock and stressing over how many hours of sleep we will get, or not get. If you suffer from insomnia and want the cycle to stop, call us 724-934-8446 and schedule an appointment.

In the meantime check out these causes of insomnia, some may surprise you.  (more…)