Couple hasn’t smoked in 6 years since using the 33 Method.

We always share stories about how effective the 33 Method is to quit smoking, but this story if more of a “where are they now?” We got a call in the office the other day from a man who’s story is remarkable. He and his Wife came to see Dan over 6 years ago, and they haven’t smoked since! Their story is below, YOU can be the next success story! Call today for a free consultation 724-934-8446.  (more…)

Using the 33 Method to overcome test anxiety.

examination stress

Every year more and more students are experiencing test anxiety, especially as they progress in their high school years and their test scores can determine what kind of college they get in to.

The 33 Method can help your children set themselves free from the anxiety of taking these important tests. Call 724-934-8446 today to set up a free consultation. Also watch the video below as Dan talks more about relieving test taking anxiety.  (more…)

The 33 Method helping Olympians and helping you!


Dan Vitchoff’s patented 33 Method has helped hundreds of local Pittsburgher’s accomplish everything from stopping smoking, losing weight, and over coming fears and phobias.

He also has helped the U.S. Shooting team. You can have the same tools that helps these US Olympians (see story below) call for a free consultation 724-934-8446 today!

Read more below how The 33 Method has helped the US Shooting team.  (more…)

Hypnotherapy helping people lose weight with the “virtual gastric band”

Many people who are trying to lose weight will try almost anything and everything to shed the pounds. Hypnosis is a very effective tool in doing just that, and sometimes much quicker. The 33 Method can help you lose weight, see how when you call for a free consultation today at 724-934-8446.

You can see how some amazing advancements in weight loss from hypnotherapy are coming along in other parts of the world below.
