Are you tired of diets that don’t work?

Are you ready to take back control over your weight and your life?

Are you looking for a permanent weight loss plan with a proven system for success?

If you’ve answered, “yes” to any of these questions then PA Hypnosis Center’s Weight Loss Programs can help you!  Many of our clients come to see us after years of struggling with their weight, body image and self esteem.  Many people have a tendency to define themselves by their weight and find comfort in food.  If this sounds like you, you are not alone and we can help.  Our hypnosis programs can help you put an end to self sabotaging behaviors such as night time eating, stress eating and eating when you’re not hungry or because you’re bored.  Daniel Vitchoff, MS Ed., CHt. is a Board Certified and Licensed Hypnotherapist who specializes in helping his clients achieve personal and professional success through a proven system of hypnosis, nlp, direct suggestion and brain wave technology.  Vitchoff’s methods and techniques are so powerful and effective that they have been used to help Olympic Athletes win Gold Medals.  Vitchoff has trademarked these specific methods and techniques as, “The 33 Method.”

Vitchoff’s “33 Method” can be adapted to help his clients effectively change their mental programming for success.  Vitchoff explains, “Whether you are training to win a Gold Medal at the Olympics or if you want to lose 70 pounds, your brain is the most powerful resource that you have.  Through mental training, visualization, imagery, nlp, direct suggestion, hypnosis and brain wave technology we are able to reprogram your mind to always revert to healthy behaviors as opposed to unhealthy behaviors. ”  PA Hypnosis Center’s Hypnosis Weight Loss Programs can help you gain greater control over eating habits and behaviors so that they weight will come off and stay off.

Several Pittsburgh area residents have already seen the benefits of Vitchoff’s Individualized Hypnosis Weight Loss Programs.  Dona Weber came to PA Hypnosis Center in 2008 for help with weight loss.  She had struggled with her weight her entire life, trying everything from fad diets to liquid diets and nothing works.  She had heard about Dan Vitchoff and PA Hypnosis Center on the radio several times and didn’t make the phone call.  It wasn’t until she read an article in her local newspaper that she decided to pick up the phone and schedule her free consultation.  She now says it’s the best decision that she ever made.  Dona has lost over 96 pounds and has renewed her sense of health and well being with Vitchoff’s help.  Click here to learn more about Dona’s remarkable weight loss.

Additional success stories can be found on our youtube channel:

Call today to schedule your FREE Consultation and Evaluation Today!  724-934-8446 or visit one of our websites:, or